Technologies that keep dirt and dust away from dSLR cameras

Technologies that keep dirt and dust away from dSLR cameras


For some owners of high-end digital cameras, the worst problems are dealing with dust and dirt that seem to find their way to the sensors of the cameras no matter how great the technology.

Fortunately, most of the digital SLRs available on the market today come with sensor-shaking functionality that can vibrate and remove the particles whenever they start showing up on the digital pictures. Some camera manufacturers have started applying anti-static surface coatings to the sensors to keep the dust and pollution particles away better. Yet another option is a sticky strip that is located in the sensor compartment of a camera and captures dust.

Even with all this technology, you need to remember that if you own a dSLR camera, changing lenses is an opportunity for dust and particles to get into the body of the camera and onto the sensor. This is why you always want to pay special attention to the manufacturer instructions about cleaning your dSLR device. Typically, this process is not as hard as it may sound. Ultimately, your habits and cleanliness will determine is dust and dirt will be an issue for your digital camera.
